Go harvesting with natural winemakers!

August 24, 2023 - 0 comments

If you love natural wine but have never had the chance to help with grape harvesting, now is your chance. Natural winemakers hand-pick their grapes, ensuring only the best are chosen for fermentation. This noble method, far removed from mechanized harvesting, protects the soil, vines, and grapes, allowing you to truly connect with nature. However, this approach requires more hands and more time, and winemakers greatly appreciate any help they can get! 

Go harvesting with natural winemakers in 2024!

Natural wine lovers, below is a non-exhaustive list of winemakers in the Northern Hemisphere who need your help, your arms, and your good vibes for the harvest. Don't hesitate to reach out to them and find out how you can get involved, harvesting is a unique opportunity to see how wine is made up close and is often a life changing experience.

If you are a natural winemaker recommended on Raisin, you can also appear on this page, send an e-mail to [email protected] with the following details:

  • - Full Name
  • - Domain name
  • - Harvest dates
  • - Accommodation available or not
  • - E-mail address or telephone number to contact
  • - Town, region, country
  • - Additional information

SOCIALS: If you can't find the time to reply before Sunday evening, feel free to tag us (@naturalwineapp): Instagram or Facebook. We'll share this post on our social networks.

We wish you all a wonderful, happy, and generous harvest in 2023!

Strength and courage,
The Raisin Team.

⚠️ In France: winemakers listed below offer "Tourist harvest" contracts. Learn more about Tourist harvests and employment law in France. In other countries, we are counting on winemakers to respect existing laws. 


Caroline LedédentéGrain Par Grain30 Aug. - 12 Sept.yesArtemare, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France[email protected]
France GonzalvezFrance Gonzalvez25 Sept. - 6 days.yesApremont, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France[email protected]<
Christian BinnerChristian BinnerCOMPLETEnoAmmerschwihr, Alsace, France.Domaine Binner Christian, Alsatian winemaker of natural wines in 68770 Ammerschwihr, is looking to complete its team of motivated M/Fs for harvesting in a friendly atmosphere, from September 18 for 3 weeks. Lunch together in the vineyards, cooked by the family. No accommodation available, but you can come by camper van, as there's plenty of parking. No experience required, just your motivation and good humor. +33 3 89 78 23 20 /
[email protected]
Sébastien GodretSuper Jardin28 Aug. - 10 Sept.noTreilles, CorbièresA collective of 6 winegrowers in a zero-input environment, in Treilles 11510 - Corbières - Aude. Our collective is also a training center. We pay no one. We only work with our friends and people who want to live this experience with us at some point. We don't offer accommodation... You need a car or a truck. For the rest, we share everything. The beach is a 10-minute drive from the winery. In fact, you can see the sea from our lot. [email protected] /
+33 6 75 44 04 72
Thomas & MylèneAux Ardents7-10 Sept.noOdenas, Beaujolais[email protected] /
+33 6 58 02 58 17
Aurély et Jean-DamienMaison Gazeau-Baldi1 Sept. - 10 joursnoLhomme, Loire, FranceWhat we expect of you : - good physical condition - diligence and punctuality - good communication and team spirit. What we offer: - 12 € gross per hour - lunch and snacks in the vineyards provided by us. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer accommodation. The start of the harvest is estimated at the beginning of September for around 10 days. If you're looking forward to the Sarthe sun and a tan in the vineyards, contact us! +33 6 75 95 26 88 /
[email protected]
Gilles ParisGilles Paris7 au 18 Sept.yesChiroubles, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France.Lodging and meals on the estate in a friendly atmosphere. [email protected]
Clément & Sylvain GoeppGoepp Gérard et filsmid-Sept. - 3 à 4 weeksnoHeiligenstein, Alsace, FranceLunch. Full day from Monday to Friday. -+33 3 88 08 95 75 /
+33 6 36 74 91 16
Adrien BalocheLa ferme du plateau4 Sept. - 15 Sept.yesRigny-Ussé, Touraine, FranceLodging available on site (modest, at our place) - [email protected] /
+33 6 14 84 57 64
Maxime BarrotJean Max8 Sept. - 15 Sept.noLachassagne, Beaujolais, France.Tent accommodation available - [email protected] /
+33 6 73 86 75 27
Aude DuvalDomaine de l’Astré4 Sept. - 22 Sept.yesSt Méard de Gurçon – Dordogne – FranceAccommodation available - [email protected] /
+336 51 16 17 61
Benjamin DupasLa Riva16 Sept. - 17 Sept.yesVilleneuve, Vaud, SwitzerlandFood and Wine - No lodging - [email protected]
Yanis Carnal & Felipe RauppTYALO15 Sept. - 10 Oct.noSaint-Légier, Canton de Vaud, Switzerland.No accommodation available, but of course food and wine - Yanis Carnal, [email protected] /
+41 78 886 82 45
Fabien HenriotLes vins du Fab7 Sept. - 17 Sept.noLa Neuveville, Lac de Bienne, SwitzerlandNo lodging or 1 person in the same room as me. No monetary remuneration; I offer food and a little wine - [email protected] /
0041 78 886 76 35
Nicolas DespagneMaison-Blanche4 Sept. - 22/26 Sept.noMontagne, Gironde, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, FranceRemuneration of €11.80 gross per hour - + paid vacations + 20% bonus (if 100% attendance). - +336 07 45 25 31 /
[email protected]
 Julien DesranteLa Part aux Groles11 Sept. - 15 Oct.noJulienne / Charente / FranceNeed to complete the team for harvesting and destemming. No accommodation, but vans / camper vans can be accommodated. - [email protected] /
Lobry LéaLobry Léa20 Sept. 3 jourspossibleGrusse, Jura, Francemeals included, drinks included. - [email protected]
Servaas BlockeelWijngaard Lijsternest15 sept. - 30 sept.non,campingOtegem, Flanders, Belgium[email protected] /
 +32 475 49 66 08


Vito D'OnghiaPetracavalloStarting: 4 Sept.noMottola (TA), Pouilles, Italy[email protected]
Nadia VerruaCascina Tavijn28 Aug. - 20 Sept.yesScurzolengo (AT), Piemont, Italy[email protected] /
+39 3294469445
Paolo AngelinoVinicea28 Aug. - 30 Sept.noOttiglio (AL), Piemont, ItalySpace available for a tent or camper van with toilet and shower facilities - +39 351 396 7255 /
[email protected]
Saverio PetrilliMalgiacca5 - 20 Sept.Peut-êtreGragnano di Lucca (LU), Toscane, Italy[email protected]
Pier Angelo RuschenaAz. Agr. La Tommasina30 Aug. - 10 joursyesFrassinello Monferrato (AL), Piemont, ItalyAccommodation with private bathroom and food provided - 39 346 501 6944 /
[email protected]
Fortunato SebastianoCasa Breccetomid-OctoberyesAriano Irpino (AV), Campania, Italy[email protected] /
+393385691239 Fortunato
Federico StaderiniCuna5 Sept. - 28 Sept.noPratovecchio (AR), Casentino, Toscane, Italy+39335 453072 /
[email protected]
Sabina RuffaldiCasteldelpiano Az.Agricola30 Aug. - 30 Sept.peut-êtreLicciana Nardi (MS), Lunigiana, Toscana, Italy[email protected] /
+39 347 2590109
Enrico FrisoneIl Moralizzatore Società AgricolaSeptember 15 to October 7-8, not every daynoCarmignano di brenta (PD), Veneto, ItaliaLong-term housing not available - [email protected] - +39 329 9293656 Enrico
Silvia Pragliola, Lisa GentiliPoggio Bbaranèllo
from Sept 28 to Oct 01 and
from Oct 12 to Oct 15
noMontefiascone (VT), Lazio, ItalyTent with toilet 
+ 39 347 5647077
Olympia Samara and Hannes HoffmannWeingut Roterfaden(Saturdays et Sundays) Sept. + Oct.noVaihingen/Enz, Württemberg, Germany[email protected]
Ismael Gozalo PalomoMicrobio Wines5 Sept. - 5 Oct.yesNieva, 40447 Segovia, Spain[email protected]
Josep Dasca BatallaCeller Dasca VIves30 Aug. - 15 Sept.noValls , Catalunya, spain+34 679966897 - [email protected]
Luca Barbich Granja Farm26 Sept. - 7/8 Oct.yes
Chiomonte 10050 
+39 3403791942 - [email protected]

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