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Vin d’Où

Terlinckstraat 2, 2600 Anvers, Belgique

8 0 6525 KM


Le Champ Du Clos - Brut Nature

Charles Dufour - Charles Dufour

Pinot Noir - Champagne - AOC Champagne

Le Champ Du Clos - Brut Nature - Charles Dufour - Charles Dufour
Vin d’Où logo Vin d’Où - 08 Nov. 2020
1 0 0


6525 KM

Vin d’Où

Vins à Vin d’Où:
Jules Brochet
Pierric Brochet
Prémice - Jules Brochet - Pierric Brochet -2016

Great nose, sligtly mineral, crisp brut nature and yet jucy verry good balace of accidety , Great Champagne for apero but you can certenly eat some startes or fish Verry nice bottle!

Les Semblables (Boréal)
Champagne Clandestin
Benoît Doussot
Les Semblables (Boréal) - Champagne Clandestin - Benoît Doussot

Great Champagne, elegant , agrumes, hint of nuts

Si On Parlait De Joseph
Jean-Marc Brignot / Vinibrato
Jean-Marc Brignot
Si On Parlait De Joseph - Jean-Marc Brignot / Vinibrato - Jean-Marc Brignot

Amazing wine, full of fruit, cherrys, and so much more.,,. Stable, sligt reduction, but opens up afther 5 min Very happy that we still have some more😜

Les Crayères
Champagne Marguet
Benoît Marguet
Les Crayères - Champagne Marguet - Benoît Marguet

This is a great wine, perfect balans between wood and aciditi, crisp and lots of character Perfect wine to have a nice meal

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