Vandal-Wine / Nada - Raphaël Baissas de Chastenet "RAF" logo

Vandal-Wine / Nada

Raphaël Baissas de Chastenet "RAF"

9 26 8581 KM


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Dernières publications de Cristal, par les utilisateurs :

Cristal 17

CRISTAL 2017 Rosato by NADA #Raphael Baissas De Chastenet, blended with Macabeu and Granache Noir. Manual harvest from calcareous soils, yield 15hl / ha, indigenous yeasts, no filtration, no added SO2, only 1400 bottles produced. From the Pyrenees Orientales to Calce, department of Languedoc-Roussillon, Occitania, France, falls and lands like a spaceship, loaded with white horses and Parmesan from Reggio. It pours, shows and expresses itself on my table like a juice of wild strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, cherries, Sanson 70's popsicles, pomegranate, gele candy and rose petals, to corrupt and make my taste buds corrupt and my mood. But it is the saddle of horse used and strausato, sweaty, and altered, ride, consumed and lived that strikes, pierces, marks and furrows a cuoiosa, wild, lactic and funkerizzato drink. VIN DE GARAGE A hint of freshness and acidity in + would make this drink memorable and peculiar, but despite that, toast with ribs from our Mephistopheles KING pork and roast cockerel, sacrificed on the altar of stainless ROLLING STONES and their galactic, lysergic, wild and sturdy "Wild Horses" and ........... your cocks.

sandropoletti @sandropoletti

Cristal 2018

Slightly effervescent. So far every bottle I’ve had from this producer I have absolutely loved and this is no exception. All of the wines have a lot of energy. I find this wine hard to describe, it’s light and not very tannic but it has a lot of complexity and interesting flavors that I really like. Big fan of this producer!

rakhal @rakhal

Cristal 2018

Un Précieux, assemblage inattendu réussi tellement digeste, on a envie de se resservir et se resservir encore et encore...

pet_zoulane @pet_zoulane


schmakofatz Leicht und Lebendig wie ich gut für romantisches abendessen, da ich aber aufgehört hab zu daten trink ich ihn alleine aus der Flasche

conventionaljoel @conventionaljoel


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Le Canon d’Achille

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