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Bichi Wines

Noel Tellez

14 35 3440 KM

Pet Mex -

Bichi Wines - Noel Tellez

Dolcetto - B.C.

Pet Mex
Total: 36 13 1
À propos

Great with sand and sea..produced at a 69 year old vineyard at San Antonio de las minas in Baja California Norte about 10km from the sea and watered by natural irrigation strictly. This particular vineyard hasn't been mechanically watered for over 68 years. beautiful color bottle fermented with no sulfites and no filtration. Loved it. Just beware at opening that you might lose 3/4 of a bottle.

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Derniers messages de Pet Mex, par les utilisateurs :

Bichi Pet Mex 2016

Weird, good taste.

mfpl @mfpl

Bichi Pet Mex 2017

Light and fruity pet nat. Fun for parties.

agiselle @agiselle

Bichi Pet Mex 2017

Light fresh. Summer wine

chayoesp @chayoesp

Pet Mex

Friggin gorgeous sparkling, funky summer in a glass

katpee123 @katpee123

Pet Mex

I forgot to take a picture before we finished the bottle, highly recommend

laurab4079 @laurab4079

Bichi Pet Mex

Sweeter than I expected but as tasty as sour candy

ahumphrey1 @ahumphrey1

Pet Mex 2018

Absolutely unbelievable. It tastes like every tropical fruit in can think of just perfectly balanced into a absolutely beautiful and highly chuggable wine. One of my favorites that I’ve had in a while!

ryanbelk @ryanbelk

Pet Mex 2020

Ça pète à la gueule !

lotharingie @lotharingie

Pet Mex 2018

If you look at this wine, you will find that even the winemaker doesn’t know the name of some of the indigenous grapes. But it’s crazy good.

chicago312 @chicago312

Pet Mex 2022

Sweet, soft bubbles, nice pet nat

amaterraza @amaterraza

Bichi Pet Mex

Very interesting Mexican natural wine.

katjaluo @katjaluo

Bichi Pet Mex

Incredible summer juice

BarBrava @BarBrava


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