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Klasika Pinot Gris -

Milan Nestarec - Milan Nestarec

Pinot Gris - Jihomoravský kraj - Moravské zemské víno

Klasika Pinot Gris
Total: 23 12 1
À propos

I loved every drop of this wine. Very nice and refreshing wine indeed.


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Derniers messages de Klasika Pinot Gris, par les utilisateurs :

Klasika Pinot Gris 2014

Rich colour, has some oxidative characteristics, good wine.


Klasika Pinot Gris 2014

i can’t put my finger on the aroma it’s almost chalky, it’s soft, a soft cheese maybe? the palate is sensational. tart and zingy up front with a beautiful mellow lingering. a long wine that’s complex, going from soft apricot to almost piney. it’s got lots of mouth feel and a bit mousey but the tangerine calm of the mellow middle balances it all out incredibly well. a challenging wine i struggled with the tasting notes

ceramceram @ceramceram