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Milan Nestarec

Milan Nestarec

70 289 9490 KM

Forks & Knives White -

Milan Nestarec - Milan Nestarec

Gruner Veltliner, Neuburger, Sauvignon, Pálava and Riesling - Jihomoravský kraj - Moravské zemské víno

Forks & Knives White
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Un vin réussi. Troisième fois que je goûte un vin de Milan Nestarec et le plaisir est toujours au rendez-vous. Un bon blanc de soif avec juste ce qu’il faut de complexité

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Léger mais structuré. Notes de pommes cuites et d’abricots au nez, acidité presque saline en bouche. Fermentation 14 mois en barriques d’acacia

morganebam @morganebam



4snow4 @4snow4

Nestarec 2016

Très glouglou ! Cloudy, funky, with a hint of effervescence. Notes of apricot and cheese

danaak @danaak

Forks and Knives White 2016

“Come on-a my house my-y house I’m gonna give you peach and pear...”

raemarie @raemarie


Skim contact. Really body

jlimonmini @jlimonmini


Orange parfait.

matahari @matahari

Nestarec 2016

good with duck fat

aldibajer @aldibajer

Forks and Knives White 2016

For me it tasted like the very best of lambic beers. A little bit of funk, honeydew melon, and a touch of green apple. Superb!!

enrique14 @enrique14

Nestarec 2016

Glouglou leger beautiful from czech republic

larryp @larryp


Fresh, juicy and delicious

oliola @oliola

Forks and Knives White

Carbonic, pear-y goodness.

reidcoops @reidcoops

Nestarec 2017

Fresh and light, green papaya, yellow plum and lemon notes, light body and some butter notes.

NoaBerger @NoaBerger


Very interesting natural wine.

dorekos @dorekos


Tannicky, powerful acidity, beeswax. First time I had you you were bad to my tummy, but so irresistible i keep coming back for more. I consider you a lover.

brendacampos @brendacampos

Forks & Knives White 16

IN THE MIDDLE SEA. Moravia, Czech Republic, Milan Nestarec @milannestarec FORKS and KNIVES 2016 Muller Thurgau. 20-year-old vines grown at 200 meters, fermentation with @skincontact for 10 days, then steel for 1 year, followed by bottle. Rough as freshly squeezed must, the first impact is that of a Sour Wild beer but also of a Cider, green apples, and lime, unripe fruit and stones are imposed with notes of blood orange, candied citron, honey, barley candies and chamomile flowers. Enter by shaving the palate and taste buds, like sharp salty arrows, but at the same time wrapping and rounding the mouth with shades of green tea, peach, tangerine, ginger and orange peel in a finish of dehydrated exotic fruit and cooked, very fresh and salty. Even if the funky note is not received, this sour but enveloping juice, direct but complex, invites the drink to finish the bottle, remembering the sun, the sand, the salt of the summer now almost forgotten. In the middle sea Milan Nestarec and the Dutch SUNGRAZER (I do not know Ceke bands worthy of note) with forks, knives and delightful music contemplate a magical moment full of charm and harmony with "Sea".

sandropoletti @sandropoletti

Forks and Knives White 2016

Simply an awesome orange wine

RobRiouf @RobRiouf

Nestarec 2016

Nectar des dieux

nonomie @nonomie

Forks and Knives White 2018

The Forks and Knives white 2018 from Milan Nestarec is an aromatic white cuvée, dark in color due to the short skin maceration. Peach, and melon aromas. Super cloudy and creamy. One of the best wine I ever drunk.

fatriros @fatriros

Forks & Knives White 2019

Un vin réussi. Troisième fois que je goûte un vin de Milan Nestarec et le plaisir est toujours au rendez-vous. Un bon blanc de soif avec juste ce qu’il faut de complexité

hadriens @hadriens

Forks and Knives White 2016

Paired perfectly with a corn and zucchini risotto- bottle notes “Wine to be paired with a meal, wine as a meal.”

msilver317 @msilver317