Domaine Ligas - Ktima Ligas - Meli Ligas & Thomas Ligas logo

Domaine Ligas - Ktima Ligas

Meli Ligas & Thomas Ligas

22 90 10542 KM

Zulu -

Domaine Ligas - Ktima Ligas - Meli Ligas & Thomas Ligas

Malagousia - Macedonia, Greece

Total: 4 1 0
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C'est frais,fruité une grande gourmandise


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Derniers messages de Zulu, par les utilisateurs :

Zulu 17

Autochthone grapes are always worth trying especially if you do not know them - like Malagousia. Much air was need in my point of view to make this wine drinkable for me. To much sweetness (ripe yellow and orange fruits) in the beginning which made place for some stronger acidity. Which doesn’t mean this wine has a high acidity but some kind of masculine acidity. It has been the first wine from Domaine Ligas for me but most definitely not the last.

dennyr @dennyr