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Dirty & Rowdy Family Winery

Matt Richardson

12 22 3963 KM

California Familiar -

Dirty & Rowdy Family Winery - Matt Richardson

Mourvèdre 85%, Petite Sirah 5%, Carignan 5%, Zinfandel 5% - CA - California

California Familiar
Total: 18 6 1
À propos

Young but tastee. Decanted and let breath...smoky fruity yum yum. Dark black cherry with a hint of tobacco. Will be great on a couple years.


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Au chai

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Informations techniques

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Derniers messages de California Familiar, par les utilisateurs :

California Familiar 2015

Ça pète le feu. Compote de fraises, thé noir, orange sanguine. Incroyablement délicieux.

cdenicourt @cdenicourt

California Familiar 2016

bark, blood orange, raspberry, fresh parsnip, cinnamon and volcanic rock.

elisedara @elisedara