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La Villana

Joy Kull

11 38 9490 KM

Mix -

La Villana - Joy Kull

Trebbiano , Malvasia , Roscetto , Sangiovese , Montepulciano - Lazio - Lazio

Total: 6 1 0
À propos

Fresh like the very first raspberries of the season picked one day before ripeness


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Au chai

Non fourni pour l'instant.

Informations techniques

Non fourni pour l'instant.

Dernières publications de Mix, par les utilisateurs :

Vino Rosso 2018

Very drinkable red. Subtle fizz.

jbody @jbody

Mix 2019

Super fruity - berries and light and juicy. Lovely.

amandashap @amandashap