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Jean-Yves Péron

Jean-Yves Péron

28 155 8938 KM

Les Voisins Blanc -

Jean-Yves Péron - Jean-Yves Péron

Riesling - Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - Vin De France

Les Voisins Blanc
Total: 32 14 0
À propos

Deep amber color, complex on the nose. Light potpourri and apricot. 🍊 and tea.


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Au chai

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Informations techniques

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Dernières publications de Les Voisins Blanc, par les utilisateurs :

Les Voisins Blanc 2016

Beatiful grenache ! Dried raspberry, briar, rose, eucalyptus, pharmacy herbs, smoky notes Blowing, bubble-gum comparable palate, with medium acidity and soft tannins

punkit @punkit

Les Voisins Macération 2016

Cant go wrong with peron Orange riesling from savoie 6 weeks maceration finished in oak. Amazingly fresh, nice yellow fruit, raisins good mineral and caramel finish. Amazing memorable wine.

bombazee @bombazee