Domaine Pierre Frick - Jean-Pierre, Chantal et Thomas Frick logo

Domaine Pierre Frick

Jean-Pierre, Chantal et Thomas Frick

62 216 9065 KM

Pinot Gris 'V' - 2018

Domaine Pierre Frick - Jean-Pierre, Chantal et Thomas Frick

Pinot Gris - Grand Est - Alsace

Pinot Gris 'V'


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Derniers messages de Pinot Gris 'V', par les utilisateurs :

Pinot Gris 'V' 2018

Best orange/amber/skin contact wine I ever tried. French savoir faire approach to wine-making and low intervention farming at its finest. The wine smells wild yeast and looks like a drop of amber stone. As for the taste, it is fantastically funky and crazy. You drink it like a juice or cider, you want to make another sip more and more. I drank it instead of champagne for New Year’s Eve and enjoyed it so much. Subtle tannins and balanced acidity make the wine a good pair to various salads and small starters. However, it is a stand-alone pleasure without any food first and foremost. Highly recommend to drink it. I am so excited about this wine that I can compare it to paintings of Monet or Matisse. Masterpiece.

freakgohome @freakgohome


Derniers établissements vendant les vins de Pinot Gris 'V'

Bratschall Manala
9h00- 21h00

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Rifugio Amprimo
8h00- 20h00

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5 0 7027 KM

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VINature 974

VINature 974

3 2 15592 KM


Marchand de vins naturels. Nous vous proposons des vins bourrés d'énergie, de vie, produits par des amis vignerons/paysans !