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Côtes de la Molière

Isabelle & Bruno Perraud

33 79 8787 KM

Le P'tit Poquelin (before 2018) -

Côtes de la Molière - Isabelle & Bruno Perraud

Gamay - Beaujolais - Vin de France

Le P'tit Poquelin (before 2018)


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Dernières publications de Le P'tit Poquelin (before 2018), par les utilisateurs :

Le P'tit Poquelin 2014

Sympa, sans surprise.

lethib @lethib

Le P'tit Poquelin 2015

2015 beaujo...not only is a great year for beaujo but this beaujo is completely awesome . My favorite wine under $23 . A little effervescent when you open it an then by the time you loose that little sparkle...the bottle is finish. Great acidity, fruitness and flow. Absolutely love this wine.

maximep4378 @maximep4378

Le P'tit Poquelin 2015

Une soupe de fruit

frero @frero