Orsi Vigneto San Vito - Federico Orsi logo

Orsi Vigneto San Vito

Federico Orsi

18 41 9426 KM

Sui Lieviti -

Orsi Vigneto San Vito - Federico Orsi

Pignoletto - Emilia-Romagna - Vino Bianco Frizzante

Sui Lieviti
Total: 96 66 1
À propos

Super pet'nat' pour les fruits de mer.

Trouvez ce vin à proximité


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Au chai

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Informations techniques

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Derniers messages de Sui Lieviti, par les utilisateurs :

Sui Lieviti

zesty, honey, creamy mouthfeel; fun times petnat!

irinod @irinod

Sui Lieviti 15

Great ancestrale! Fizzy, light, medium level of acidity, long taste! Great aroma which a bit evaluate with time! Surprisingly great!

Alexey_Skidan @Alexey_Skidan

Sui Lieviti 2015

Rustic, beautiful color, cloudy, good smell... Very fresh, light... Good wine

giltonleite @giltonleite

Sui Lieviti 2016

Pick a fresh ripe white peach straight from a tree, squeeze your nose inside and inhale. Wonderful refreshment on hot nights. Don’t share, just finish the bottle on your own ;)

tooncraen @tooncraen

Sui Lieviti 2016

Shake it a bit to get the best results!🤫 Complex palate yet summery freshness. Topped with subtle bubbly texture.🥂 @Pazzo @fedeorsi

Pazzo @Pazzo

Sui Lieviti 2016

Great medium funk pet nat. Super crushable

cjonas @cjonas

Sui Lieviti 2016

Colore giallo dorato. Olfatto, intenso, complesso. Minerale: pietra focaia, gesso, Fruttato: pesca gialla, pompelmo.Vegetale: fieno. Floreale: camomilla. Gustativa ottima freschezza e sapidita' bilanciati da un moderato calore ed una buona morbidezza. Corpo pieno ed equilibrato.

gatta @gatta

Sui Lieviti

Low funk petnat ....

buddhamountain @buddhamountain

Sui Lievti 2016

Fresh and fruity with nice acidity. Very refreshing.

roman_cw @roman_cw

Sui Lieviti

gone too soon! 🥂

leaveworknow @leaveworknow

Sui Lieviti 2018

Sempre una piacevole bevuta.

Juri_spara @Juri_spara

Sui Lieviti 2018

Lemon meringue. Elegant. Lovely.

keeknat @keeknat

Sui Lieviti

Light and laconic

jay @jay

Sui Lieviti

Pignoletto rifermentato in bottiglia ,niente chiarifiche e filtrazioni . Al naso domina un netto profumo di pera . Piacevole e Freschissimo . Pignoletto refermented in the bottle, no fining and filtration. A distinct pear fragrance dominates the nose. Pleasant and very fresh.

Francerric8 @Francerric8

Sui Lieviti

8.2/10 ORS1 ORSI Cestmoi

orsonoxovanbeek @orsonoxovanbeek


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