Brand Bros - Weingut Brand - Daniel & Jonas Brand logo

Brand Bros - Weingut Brand

Daniel & Jonas Brand

36 123 9170 KM

Riesling - 2016

Brand Bros - Weingut Brand - Daniel & Jonas Brand

Riesling - Rheinland-Palatinate - Pfalz

Total: 17 8 0
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Derniers messages de Riesling, par les utilisateurs :

Riesling Trocken 2017

Lovely floral and tropical notes. Dry and mineral driven wine with a smooth palate but acidic finish. Slightly effervescent.

wendlandm @wendlandm

Riesling 2016

The first of many wines at lunch at Septime. Sitting at the bar, “Good Vibrations” playing softly, so happy drinking this, I almost cried, well, maybe I did shed a tear of happiness. Pure deliciousness!!

antrim24 @antrim24

Riesling Pur 2018

Green apple with yeast touch

Tern @Tern

Brand 2018

Dry af & fresh, floral & green

lu_seall @lu_seall