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Momento Mori

Dane Johns

12 19 24316 KM

Staring at the Sun -

Momento Mori - Dane Johns

Fiano di Avellino, Vermentino, Moscato Giallo - VIC - Gippsland

Staring at the Sun
Total: 7 1 0
À propos

Apricot, round, floral, well balanced. From Victoria, Australia, purchased in Hong Kong, opened in Zurich. I wish I could find this in Europe.


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Au chai

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Informations techniques

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Derniers messages de Staring at the Sun, par les utilisateurs :

Staring at the Sun 2016


tomato @tomato

Staring at the Sun 2017

The most delicious natural wine you will ever taste.

zoeflan @zoeflan

Staring at the Sun

Mycket päronsötma och vaniljtoner. Piggelinvin?

jompa @jompa