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Craig & Carla Hawkins

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Baby Bandito Stay Brave -

Testalonga - Craig & Carla Hawkins

Chenin - Western Cape

Baby Bandito Stay Brave
Total: 40 22 0
À propos

11 days skin contact, unfiltered.


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Au chai

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31 utilisateurs ont posté "Baby Bandito Stay Brave"

"Baby Bandito Stay Brave" publié par les établissements.

Dernières publications de Baby Bandito Stay Brave, par les utilisateurs :

Stay Brave 2017

Very refined. Minimal skin contact highlights the mineral characteristics in the Chenin. Subtle and alive.

summer_wasting @summer_wasting

Stay Brave 2017

Very refined. Minimal skin contact highlights the mineral characteristics in the Chenin. Subtle and alive.

summer_wasting @summer_wasting

Stay Brave 2017

Creamy,pear and apricot,enjoyable

sohobarlimassol @sohobarlimassol

Stay Brave

Léger, se boit tout seul.. frais

Manon49 @Manon49

Baby Bandito Stay Brave 18

AN AFTERNOON OUTSIDE ???? ------------- Impossible ...... we stay at home, this is the correct and sensible slogan ... if we are brave we will do all the afternoons out in the making .... TESTALONGA BABY BANDITO "Stay Brave" 2018, Chenin Blanc-Swartland South Africa. Vines of 40 years, 11 days #skincontact refines in spent barrels of varying capacity for 10 months on lees without bâtonnage. Intransigent Chenin Blanc from aridoculture of this bold vigneron Craig Hawkins, impresses with its depth and freshness, fresh hay, medicinal herbs, dried apple peel, peach, lime, orange peel, passion fruit, in a finish of ginger and spices various. Agile and slender, only 10.5% vol a pure fruit, a lively and refreshing acidity, a tasty flavor, a tactile, irresistible and extraordinarily infinite finish, a beautiful label. We remain brave, and daring, we rely on the turquoise fairies, the nocturnal graceful creatures, we remain convinced and determined that we will return to spend the afternoons outside as the FUZZY DUCK spent them in 1971 in "Afternoon Out" https://youtu.be/BxX8zpNK2xI

sandropoletti @sandropoletti

Stay Brave 19

Lovely fairly dry orange wine with hints of citrus

gardenpie @gardenpie

Baby Bandito Stay Brave 2017

South Africa one Lite raste

NatuRIO @NatuRIO

Baby Bandito Stay Brave 2020

Clearly orange wine with Orangezest & apple

tberkmans @tberkmans