L'Egrappille - Catherine Dumora logo


Catherine Dumora

17 39 8654 KM

Sortie nº20 - 2015

L'Egrappille - Catherine Dumora

Colombard, Chardonnay, Gamay - Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - Vin de France

Sortie nº20
Total: 9 6 0
À propos

Genial !


Non fourni pour l'instant.

Au chai

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Informations techniques

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Derniers messages de Sortie nº20, par les utilisateurs :

Sortie Nº20 2016

Very fresh! Nice!!

cblatrie @cblatrie

Sortie Nº20 2015

After a few hours drive, just what we needed for to keep the Loire marathon training at the correct level. A short skin contact maceration on the Chardonnay, just a little gas at opening, nice fresh floral notes - makes you want more!

olivia_mann @olivia_mann