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Le Temps des Cerises

Axel Prüfer

13 62 8626 KM

Brutal Rouge - 2017

Le Temps des Cerises - Axel Prüfer

Syrah, Carignan - Roussillon - Vin De France

Brutal Rouge


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Derniers messages de Brutal Rouge, par les utilisateurs :

Le Brutal 2017

Slightly sparkling. Fruity, light

khkrieger @khkrieger

Brutal Rouge 2017 2017

Delightful. Slight effervescence, super sweet from the fruit, slight acidity, jammy on the nose.

mprakash @mprakash

Brutal 2017


p_l_x_x_ @p_l_x_x_

Brutal rouge 17

Max’s birthday at Frenchette. What a time. Adams notes - ripe fruit, summer late, strawberry, Marzipan, vanille (I made it French / Frenchette). Carignan and Syrah blend, a beautiful light red.

LightRed @LightRed