Bar Wine Shop Restaurant
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Red Nose

R. Almeida e Sousa 10C, 1250-065 Lisbon, Portugal

22 11 6173 KM

Kindeli Blanco - Alex Craighead Wines - Don & Kindeli Wines - Alex Craighead & Josefina Venturino
Red Nose logo Red Nose - 12 Jul. 2023
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Bar Restaurant Caviste

6173 KM

Red Nose

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Posted by users:

Absolutely delicious wine but needs a serious decant, 1 hour at least, to let this start to open up and show its depth and complexity. This is probably my favourite natural wine to date and in the top 30 wines of the year period. Fantastic wine that's begs one to curl up on a cold fall evening in your favourite leather chair and read some chewy philosophy.

24 users have posted "Kindeli Blanco"