Wine Shop
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Aux Vins Vivants Richer

41 Rue Richer, 75009 Paris, France

40 3 6506 KM



Kumpf & Meyer - Julien Albertus

Gewürztraminer - Grand Est - Vin de France

Utopiste - Kumpf & Meyer - Julien Albertus
Aux Vins Vivants Richer logo Aux Vins Vivants Richer - 23 Jun. 2021
85 53 0


Wines at Aux Vins Vivants Richer:
Le Chenin de La Table Rouge
La Table Rouge
Claude Cabel-Airaud & Philippe Chigard
Le Chenin de La Table Rouge - La Table Rouge - Claude Cabel-Airaud & Philippe Chigard
Chante Coucou
Elian Da Ros
Sandrine et Elian Da Ros
Chante Coucou - Elian Da Ros - Sandrine et Elian Da Ros
Coteaux Champenois Rosé De Riceys "En Valingrain"
Champagne Olivier Horiot
Olivier Horiot
Coteaux Champenois Rosé De Riceys "En Valingrain" - Champagne Olivier Horiot - Olivier Horiot
Clos Baquey
Elian Da Ros
Sandrine et Elian Da Ros
Clos Baquey - Elian Da Ros - Sandrine et Elian Da Ros
Discover wines at Aux Vins Vivants Richer
Posted by users:

Wow! Can’t say I cared much for gewurztraminer in the past but this incredible. Extremely elegant and evolving slightly with every mouthful, stone fruit, peach and apricots changing to herbal spices and nose heads to floral town. Had a magnum and it disappeared quickly!

59 users have posted "Utopiste"