Pinot Grigio

Damijan Podversic - Damijan Podversic

Pinot Grigio - Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Pinot Grigio - Damijan Podversic - Damijan Podversic
NatuRIO @NatuRIO - 19 Déc. 2020
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Pinot Grigio

Damijan Podversic

Damijan Podversic
Pinot Grigio - Damijan Podversic - Damijan Podversic

This might be it: sitting in front of „Al Cappello“ in Udine you smell the freshness, the sun, the wind and some lime. Strong tannins, wild berries, peppermint and and sunny lemons before berries wash down your throat. To be drunk at room temperature- nothing for little girls

Pinot Grigio

Damijan Podversic

Damijan Podversic
Pinot Grigio - Damijan Podversic - Damijan Podversic


Pinot Grigio

Damijan Podversic

Damijan Podversic
Pinot Grigio - Damijan Podversic - Damijan Podversic

Friuli wine in Italy. Friuli is one of orange wine major spots

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Pinot Grigio - Damijan Podversic - damijan-podversic
Pinot Grigio

Damijan Podversic

Damijan Podversic


7036 KM


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