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Liten Buffel

Zack Klug & Patrick Vaughn

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Quast Vineyard Pinot Noir - 2015

Liten Buffel - Zack Klug & Patrick Vaughn

Pinot Noir - New York - Niagara Escarpment

Quast Vineyard Pinot Noir
Total: 9 0 2
À propos

Shameless bias. When you have 0 nat wine shops around, you drink your own 💁🏻‍♂️


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Derniers messages de Quast Vineyard Pinot Noir, par les utilisateurs :

Quast Vineyard Pinot Noir 2015

Awesome. The color (rather tame) belies the body and complexity of this wine. Lush and weighty, this wine is now among my very favorite pinots.

ginashay1 @ginashay1

Perfetto Vineyard Pinot Noir 2018

Reductive, nickel on the nose. Blows off and drinks very nicely.

reidcoops @reidcoops