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Laurent Bannwarth

Stéphane Bannwarth

31 68 9066 KM

Edel Natur -

Laurent Bannwarth - Stéphane Bannwarth

Assemblage - Alsace - Alsace

Edel Natur
Total: 8 2 1
À propos

Vibrant, aromatic, light sparkle, good price/quality ratio.


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Au chai

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Informations techniques

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Derniers messages de Edel Natur, par les utilisateurs :

Edel Natur 2018

France Elsàss, drunk at belts very fresh and fruity

NatuRIO @NatuRIO

Edel Natur 2019

この白 ちょいミネラル感あって美味しい

zicoroky @zicoroky

Edel Natur 21

Clean p. gris, how i like them! Honey, Applesyrup, apricot? And some spiced flavours like cinnamon or so??

tberkmans @tberkmans