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Azienda Agricola Stefano Amerighi

Stefano Amerighi

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Syrah -

Azienda Agricola Stefano Amerighi - Stefano Amerighi

Syrah - Toscana - Cortona

Total: 97 69 0
À propos

Molto buono 👏👏👏

"Syrah" publié par les établissements.

Dernières publications de Syrah, par les utilisateurs :


Young and with an high mineral taste that turns in to a slight bitter after taste. After a bit of oxigenation The Wine opens a wide and deep bouquet of redberries and mature violet with a hint of black pepper. Needs a bit of time but considering The vintage IT will evolve quite fast

marcored81 @marcored81

Syrah 2014

Superbe syrah, belle longueur en bouche avec des notes poivrées intéressantes !

JohannGlaes @JohannGlaes

Syrah 2013

Rich and concentrated at first but opens up very nicely.

davidmcduff @davidmcduff

Syrah 2009

So so so tasty! a velvety texture with an incredible crossover of different scent of aromas. A great job by Stefano Amerighi

CristianDiCa @CristianDiCa

Syrah 2014

Initially closed and reductive. Opening up now. Decent fruit. Very earthy mineral metallic aromas. Palate has some spice and a blood-iron edge to the flavour. Some oak used here also. 2014 is not a great vintage and the wine is slow to emerge. It has potential though.


Syrah 2014

Superbe, Long, moelleux, un régal

Belou @Belou

Syrah 2015


eroma @eroma

Syrah 2015

Enoteca scali volterra....

enotecascali @enotecascali

Syrah 2015



Syrah 2015

Une belle Syrah, avec une belle emprunte méridionale!

la_bastide_de_gisele @la_bastide_de_gisele

Stefano Amerighi 2016

Enoteca scali volterra

enotecascali @enotecascali

Syrah 2016

Syrah from Cortona in Tuscany. Bellissimo.

srenna21 @srenna21

Syrah 2016 by Stefano Amerighi 2016

This wine have an elegant tannin, not to much strong. It’s a natura wine, perfect for “aperitivo”, maybe for a dinner is better to take a more structurated wine.

alberto23k @alberto23k

Syrah 2016

Probably the best Syrah you can find in Italy. Coming from one the greatest wine maker as well. Byodinamic agriculture, full body, red ripen fruits, elegant and full of power.

Ernest43 @Ernest43


Il naso si apre tutto sulla frutta matura, specialmente mora e prugna. Sul fondo si percepisce una speziatura delicatissima con un tocco di pepe. Il sorso è ricco, morbido ed elegante con tanto frutto, giusta acidità e un tannino di trama molto complessa, forse ancora un po' spigoloso. Il finale è lungo e balsamico con prugna e note di terra bagnata. Un vino ricco, profondo e di grande carattere e, non meno importante, caratterizzato da una costanza qualitativa sorprendente‼️ 🍇 100% Syrah 🍇 Fermentazione spontanea in cemento. Affinamento di almeno due anni per il 70% della massa in botti piccole e per il 30% in cemento.

WineYears @WineYears

Syrah 2017

Vino di facile beva, fresco leggero e sentori speziato ... un grande vino 🍷

diegobiancofiore @diegobiancofiore

Syrah 2018

Absolutely delicious Syrah from Stefano Amerighi. My first time with a wine of his and it was completely outstanding.

atrabado @atrabado

Syrah 2019

Che dire? Nulla, da assaggiare, zona strepitosa per un vino fantastico unico e di grandissimo carattere.

growrestaurant @growrestaurant



Reald @Reald


Demeter rating

sdankens @sdankens

Syrah 2013

La meilleure syrah d'Italie !!!

vinonaturaldurante @vinonaturaldurante