16 59 7805 KM
Cabernet Franc - Vallée de la Loire - Vin de France
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Hurluberlu - Domaine Sébastien David - Sébastien DavidExactement ce que j'avais envie ce soir ! Frais, léger, facile à déguster. Il est franc ce beau cabernet. Sur les fruits rouges, de la minéralité, de la fleur. Parfait ! En espérant que ça passe bien avec les trompettes.
The restaurant I bought this at referenced Buster Bluth’s juice obsession on Arrested Development and I fully endorse that comparison. This is JUIIIICE and it is indeed off the hook. Perfectly tart with notes of cranberries and tart bing cherries. Goes down way too easy.
Cab franc bien mûr, du fond et de la rondeur pour les tanins, avec la fermeté qu'il faut, délicieux !
9.5 / $22 / goatboy selections / This is a very special wine for me. I live in Austin, Texas. Austin is just recently catching up to natural wine. This wine has been available here for a few years. It's been a standard in a desert of no natural wine options. I actually don't drink as much red these days, but this slightly chilled loire valley cab franc hits the spot in even the most oppressive of central Texas summers. David sebastian is a really cool winemaker. Takes chances and some work and the risks are usually associated with the cost of his end product. I hate to say, but this $22 bottle often outshines his pricier offerings. Not overly tannic, clean cab franc with dark red stone fruit. Clean, but pure expression of region, but perhaps not place.
Offert pour mon anniversaire, pas trop mon truc, je ne suis pas un grand fan du cabernet franc mais ça reste du beau travail.
Despite looking like a bottle of Coca ‘Cola, this pleasant fruit is welcoming. Like the Slovenian chef you meet at a villa in Tuscany with whom you don’t share a language - but share the same joi de vivre - so much so that you become dear friends for the extended weekend. The site of her - bringing pastries for breakfast - brings a smile to your face. HurluBerlu will treat you well, you may drink the whole bottle by yourself and enjoy the art hanging on the wall.
Le parfait jus de l'apéritif, à partager entre copains avec une planche de charcuterie !
Parfaitement agréable ! Fruit, easy, Nice ! Gouleyant, léger, du fruit, du jus. Ne pas hésiter à servir un chouillat froid
Fun, fresh, amazing. A red meant to be chilled. Warm summer nights, here we come.
Light to medium bodied, strong nose, smooth finish, nice grape notes through the finish
vibrant easy drinking. notes of cherry and raspberry. everything I want.
Nez de violette, de cassis et de cerise. Bouche gourmande, juteuse et veloutée.
A very solid red, “like river water,” a bit bloody/iron-y in smell and taste
Belles longueur et acidité, fortement apprécié sur un rôti d'agneau et gratin dauphinois, parfait pour le début de l'été !
Nice Sunday night relaxer. Slight bite but not too much. Right in the middle of all those “checked boxes” for natural wine. Very drinkable in all the right ways... pairs well with skinny pop and some chocolate. Love ♥️
7805 KM
Domaine Sébastien David - Sébastien David