Domaine Sébastien David - Sébastien David logo

Domaine Sébastien David

Sébastien David

15 57 8345 KM

Coëf -

Domaine Sébastien David - Sébastien David

Cabernet Franc - Vallée de la Loire - Vin de France



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Derniers messages de Coëf, par les utilisateurs :

Coëf 2014

Fruité et fin À découvrir

amoredivino @amoredivino

Coëf 2015

Delicious bottling a friend brought back from France.

bradsteven @bradsteven


Très bon

Soupra @Soupra


Âcreté doucereuse d'une finesse inouïe

scarole @scarole

Coëf 2015

Élevé 9 mois en Amphore italienne. Très étonnant, un vin qui vit !

edouardchambrin @edouardchambrin

Coëf 2016

Macération carbonique et vinif’ en amphore : rare d’avoir autant de finesse sur le fruit !

yukon @yukon


Terracotta, pata Negra, porc skin!!

la_sorgasme @la_sorgasme


Terracotta, pata Negra, porc skin!!

la_sorgasme @la_sorgasme

Coëf 2017

7.5 / $42 / goatboy selections / it's a very nice cab franc, but definitely on the higher end of what i would spend for a cab franc. Apparently his 2016 vintage had such high volatile acidity levels that he was forced by a French wine authority having jurisdiction to destroy all his bottles. Id be curious to try that vintage. Not a lot of VA here. In fact, it's a little lifeless. I kinda get the sense Sebastian David upped his sulfite inclusion here to avoid the 2016 incident. Nice color, deep red with a lot of clarity. Lot of tannic character and not a ton of grippiness. Noticeable alcohol, but not harsh at all. Very juicy fruity balanced with a subtle spiciness. I do feel like the grapes have lived on the vine and created sugar, lived again the cellar to become alcohol, and then died in the bottle. Not buying the claim that there aren't more than a little sulfites here. Sorry.

rderington @rderington


C'est frais la bulle est fine

Emihuvas26 @Emihuvas26


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