Bodegas Bernabé Navarro SL - Rafa Bernabé logo

Bodegas Bernabé Navarro SL

Rafa Bernabé

11 32 8213 KM

Tragolargo Alicante -

Bodegas Bernabé Navarro SL - Rafa Bernabé

Monastrell - Alicante - Alicante

Tragolargo Alicante
Total: 8 14 0
À propos

All natural Spanish style - Rustic wine profile powerful and rich in fruit. Tannic wine. Good for big hearty dishes. (My eye beef filler was not the right pairing!)


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Informations techniques

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Derniers messages de Tragolargo Alicante, par les utilisateurs :

Tragolargo 2016

smells malt when we opened it. strong / thick / purple color of cork was impressive

fukayaqui @fukayaqui

Tragolargo 2016

Juicy as you like. Slight effervescence. Super.

doggonwheels @doggonwheels

Tragolargo 2014

Calidad precio un vino a tener en cuenta

josebaBeltz @josebaBeltz