Bodegas Bernabé Navarro SL - Rafa Bernabé logo

Bodegas Bernabé Navarro SL

Rafa Bernabé

11 32 8213 KM

El Carro -

Bodegas Bernabé Navarro SL - Rafa Bernabé

Muscat of Alexandria - Alicante - Alicante

El Carro
Total: 47 37 0
À propos

Very tasty


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Au chai

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Informations techniques

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Derniers messages de El Carro, par les utilisateurs :

El Carro 2016

Une odeur complètement folle. Ça me rappele le gewurztraminer pour la dimension florale. Macération pelliculaire, avec cette note de limoncello et d'agrumes avec des herbes folles. Acidité en arrière goût, de la délicatesse.

CheekyKamille @CheekyKamille

El Carro 2015

Superb. @Rubensproeflokaal


El Carro

LOVE this! Extremely dry, a tiny bit spicy, unfiltered Spanish orange vino. Beautiful color and #nofilter P.S. this wine made me a natural wine cult leader

danaak @danaak

El Carro 2015

Fresh orange rinds, preserved lemons, those bright orange berries that grow in the dunes around here, together with coriander- and aniseseeds and a green olive are dancing around in this juicy summer sunset caught in a glass! Serve 'm cold and dangle your legs of a dock to watch the summer go by somewhere

martijnwm @martijnwm

El Carro 2011

Quite reductive on the nose but very fresh on the palate. Enjoyed by a glass @forastera

Paulius @Paulius

El Carro

Zingy! Fresh! Herbal and awesome!

Max @Max

El Carro 2016

Grosse surprise, excellent!

la_bastide_de_gisele @la_bastide_de_gisele

El Carro 2015

long long long

p_l_x_x_ @p_l_x_x_

El Carro 2016

Still as good as the first Bernabé I drank

rogiervinschaik @rogiervinschaik

El Carro 2015

Veel residu, mega veel tannines en goeie gronderige dronk

spontaniteit @spontaniteit

El Carro

nice and easy orange wine

Mikedesituatie @Mikedesituatie

El Carro

Perfect for a wednesday.

ChristiaanVelez @ChristiaanVelez

El Carro 2016

Outstanding orange wine. Great balance between acidity and structure, lovely in the nose and increíble in the palate.

atrabado @atrabado

El Carro 12

Elegante, aromático, de crianza @forastera Valencia

forastera @forastera

El Carro 16

Probably one of the best price/quality orange wines I know

rogiervinschaik @rogiervinschaik