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Patrick Sullivan

Patrick Sullivan

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Jumping Juice Half Full (Red) -

Patrick Sullivan - Patrick Sullivan

Shiraz - Victoria

Jumping Juice Half Full (Red)


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30 utilisateurs ont posté "Jumping Juice Half Full (Red)"

Dernières publications de Jumping Juice Half Full (Red), par les utilisateurs :

Jumping Juice 2016

Jumping juice! Stoked about the direction of natty wines coming out of Australia! Nice job downunder!

thepunchdown @thepunchdown

Jumping Juice 2016

Very clear color and taste, but with strong presence of fruity sensation.

memoriateca @memoriateca

Jumping Juice 2017

Grapefruit, refreshing, tart, fun and delicious! 😍

agiselle @agiselle

Jumping Juice

Quelle couleur! Du jus de raisin, un goût boisé. Très surprenant

m2fair @m2fair

Jumping Juice

Bell pepper + watermelon + fun.

ronthomas @ronthomas

Jumping Juice 19

Easy-drinking, with raspberry, cranberry, pomegranate on the palate with some savory hints

sipping_natalie @sipping_natalie

Jumping Juice Half Full 19

Lush red fruits perfume the nose followed by a light tropical fruit aroma that delicately tiptoes away. On the palate a super juicy fruit salad graces the taste buds and follows up coating the mouth with a most elegant juicy finish. Best serve chilled!

total_natarchy @total_natarchy

Jumping Juice 2019

Fruit bomb Australia wine drunk at chet

NatuRIO @NatuRIO

Jumping Juice 2016

Summer in a glass! Place this bottle between 4 people and watch it disappear in less than 10 minutes!

Pascal21 @Pascal21

Jumping Juice


danielvigga @danielvigga