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Patrick Sullivan

Patrick Sullivan

20 45 24196 KM


Patrick Sullivan - Patrick Sullivan

Blend - Victoria - Yarra Valley

Total: 18 8 1
À propos

7 different grape varieties from 3 different vintages! Bonkers is the only way to describe this wine! It's super gluggable, treat it like a rose and chill it but rescue it from the fridge a healthy amount of time before you open it. It came Alive with some blue cheese and shouldn't be drunk before or after another wine, without a serious mouth cleanse as it lives on and on and on. One of my favourite wines of the last couple of years.. it's fun and full of character while still representing the ever changing, super impressive, wine production that exists today. It is worth noting this is a marriage of red and white grapes.


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Derniers messages de Bonkers, par les utilisateurs :

Bonkers 2016

beautiful pink color, so fragrant, so juicy, not sweet. it's Bonkers and i'm in love. this is the wine that got me into natural wine. continually chasing this experience. 😍

agiselle @agiselle