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Domaine Julien Meyer

Patrick Meyer

38 105 9081 KM

Trait d'Union - 2016

Domaine Julien Meyer - Patrick Meyer

Merlot, Syrah, Sylvaner - Alsace - Vin de France

Trait d'Union
Total: 4 3 1
À propos

South of France grapes vinified by Patrick Meyer in Alsace to compensate for his disastrous 2016 harvests... A blend of Merlot and Syrah, with a (secret) little part of Sylvaner to temper the heat ;) After a quick breathing in a decanter the wine is a real treat, a true South wine with texture and power but a bit more digest and lively !


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Trait d'Union Gamay On The Rock

Fruit, acidité parfaite. Glou, glou, glou ! Bravo !

kikes @kikes