16 30 8630 KM
Barbera - Piemonte - Vino Rosato Frizzante
2020-2018 compairing! Very interesting tasting the difference between two different age of the same grape! We prefer 2018, for complexity and more elegant 🍷
Very easy drinking
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Andeira - Rocco di Carpeneto - Lidia Carbonetti e Paolo BarettaWhat can i say? Basically the best red natural sparkling Wine i had tasted so far. Right bubble and right acidity. Not extreme, just i like it.
2020-2018 compairing! Very interesting tasting the difference between two different age of the same grape! We prefer 2018, for complexity and more elegant 🍷
À propos
Fresh , fresh , fresh, a summer sparkling red
8630 KM
Rocco di Carpeneto - Lidia Carbonetti e Paolo Baretta