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Julie Balagny

Julie Balagny

23 52 8796 KM

Sexappeal - 2015

Julie Balagny - Julie Balagny

Gamay - Beaujolais - AOC Fleurie

Total: 21 4 0
À propos

A big wine. Flirting with the too much but staying incredibly balanced ! Gingerbread and liquorice, black cherries, over-ripe plum, and cherry brandy nose. The palate is slightly on the alcohol but once again remains balanced by a touch of acidity and a peppery kick. Huge but harmonious !


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Derniers messages de Sexappeal, par les utilisateurs :

Sexappeal 2015

Un gamay taille XXL. Très certainement LA bouteille de l’année!

Seventywine @Seventywine

Sexappeal 2015

Delicieux ! Un joli nez pruneau. La bouche est souple, les arômes en dentelle. Grande classe !

ClaireLapin @ClaireLapin

Sexappeal 2015

La merveille des merveilles!! ♥️

Seventywine @Seventywine