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Las Jaras Wines

Joel Burt & Eric Wareheim

15 72 3949 KM

Slippers Slippers - 2020

Las Jaras Wines - Joel Burt & Eric Wareheim

Charbono 41%, Zinfandel 31%, Carignan 18%, Petite Syrah 10% - CA - Mendocino County

Slippers Slippers


Non fourni pour l'instant.

Au chai

Non fourni pour l'instant.

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Derniers messages de Slippers Slippers, par les utilisateurs :

Slippers Slippers 2020

Another banger from Las Jaras. Simple, easy drinking and delicious. Some strawberries and jam on the front, not a ton of funk, but clean and light. Could drink this every day.

jeremykrantz @jeremykrantz

Slippers Slippers 2020

Great to revisit. Just as much of a banger as last time. So good.

jeremykrantz @jeremykrantz