Las Jaras Wines - Joel Burt & Eric Wareheim logo

Las Jaras Wines

Joel Burt & Eric Wareheim

15 72 3949 KM

Glou Glou -

Las Jaras Wines - Joel Burt & Eric Wareheim

63% Carignan, 23% Zinfandel, 3% Valdiguie, 8% Charbono - CA - Mendocino County

Glou Glou
Total: 31 10 0
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Derniers messages de Glou Glou, par les utilisateurs :

Glou Glou 2018

fruity, low tannin, hot day chilled red party wine

lightlysalted @lightlysalted

Glou Glou 2018

Easy drinking red blend with good complexity

bstapleton @bstapleton

Glou Glou 2019

Lives up to the hype surrounding it. Eric Wareheim didn't just slap his celeb name on this; this is legit and super enjoyable. Light and smooth. Cranberries, blackberries, oak including some faint tobacco. Love it.

jeremykrantz @jeremykrantz

Glou Glou 2021

Stellar and better than the 2020 vintage. Not too sweet or acidic. Crushable. Loving this

jeremykrantz @jeremykrantz