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Les Frères Soulier

Guillaume & Charles Soulier

33 101 8769 KM

Counoise -

Les Frères Soulier - Guillaume & Charles Soulier

Counoise - Vallée du Rhône - Vin De France

Total: 2 1 0
À propos

Intriguing rosé made of old coinoise vines that they had apparently forgotten about (on the back label it says cépages complètement oubliés ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) this wine is a dark toned rosé, made in an oxidative style, sous voile. It has a complex, layered aromas with abundant fruit and undertones of mushroom. Very juicy to the taste, super fresh acidity. Absolutely mouth watering. Very limited edition, only 330 magnums were made. Get it if you can, it's wonderful! @ Daxivin Amsterdam

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Dernières publications de Counoise, par les utilisateurs :


Hyper bon, léger, aucune lourdeur. Un peu de gaz à l'ouverture. Toujours le même style des frères Souliers m, on adore

anajaja @anajaja


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