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Weingut Bastian Beny

Gianna und Bastian Beny

3 7 9182 KM

Pet. Naturel -

Weingut Bastian Beny - Gianna und Bastian Beny

Dornfelder , Portugieser - RP - Rheinhessen

Pet. Naturel
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WOW! Light red color, almost orange. A bomb of oxidative notes in the nose. Red berries, strawberries, raspberries. So easy with perfect acidity! This is a pet nat with light bubbles. It’s fantastic!


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Derniers messages de Pet. Naturel, par les utilisateurs :

Pet. Naturel 2022 - 2021

Delicious! Nice color! Notes of apples, cherries, and almonds. Nice acidity and bubbles. Very good!

olme @olme