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Christian Tschida

Christian Tschida

23 78 10011 KM

Red Sonja -

Christian Tschida - Christian Tschida

Cabernet Franc - Neusiedlersee-Seewinkel - Burgenland

Red Sonja
Total: 33 9 0
À propos

Nice, but not memorable. Still drinkable AF.


Non fourni pour l'instant.

Au chai

Non fourni pour l'instant.

Informations techniques

Non fourni pour l'instant.

Dernières publications de Red Sonja, par les utilisateurs :

Red Sonja 2016

Red alert ! Cranberry, red currant ! Russian dream )

punkit @punkit

Red Sonja 2016

Tannins. Not as glou glou as expected. Still drinkable.

marv01 @marv01

Red Sonja

For me to fruity! But fantastic for this kind of wine.

kimchee @kimchee

Red Sonja 2016

Super juicy, a bit sweet, not much structure.

mprakash @mprakash

Red Sonja 2016

Pure natty cab franc deliciousness

vitisvinifera @vitisvinifera

Red Sonja 16

Pungent, aged urine straight from the continence pad. Label is obviously LIT. 3/10 gimmes

poppinbotellas @poppinbotellas