Thymiopoulos Vineyards - Apostolos Thymiopoulos logo

Thymiopoulos Vineyards

Apostolos Thymiopoulos

17 43 10515 KM

Aftorizo - 2017

Thymiopoulos Vineyards - Apostolos Thymiopoulos

Xinomavro - Macedonia, Greece - Macedonia, Greece

Total: 1 1 0
À propos

VINEYARDS Single, ungrafted parcel of Xinomavro planted 53 years ago in the area of Fytia. ALTITUDE 450 metres SOIL Schist and granite MICROCLIMATE High altitude around the village of Fytia ensures lower average temperatures. Big diurnal range during the ripening season and constant circulation of air from Vermio mountain bring freshness and elegance to the wine. HARVEST 10 October VINIFICATION Grapes are 60% destemmed, fermented with indigenous yeasts and macerated for 20 days. MATURATION 12 months in 500-litre, second-use French oak barrels.



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