Domaine Thuronis - Alexandre Coulange & Astrid Lerouxel logo

Domaine Thuronis

Alexandre Coulange & Astrid Lerouxel

14 44 7968 KM

Franchise -

Domaine Thuronis - Alexandre Coulange & Astrid Lerouxel

Cabernet Franc - Languedoc - Vin de France

Total: 0 1 0
À propos

De la fraicheur, du fruit et une structure d'une finesse incroyable. Le tout sans aucun intrant! Des arômes surprenants! Superbe!


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Postés par les utilisateurs :

Nice red for autumn evenings. In the nose there are dark berries like cherry, black currant, and blackberries. Also some grass and spice. Quite round in the mouth with balanced acidity and subtle tannins. A bit metallic but in a good way that contributes with the mouthfeel. Very nice wine!

De la fraicheur, du fruit et une structure d'une finesse incroyable. Le tout sans aucun intrant! Des arômes surprenants! Superbe!

2 utilisateurs ont posté "Franchise"

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Dernières publications de Franchise, par les utilisateurs :


Nice red for autumn evenings. In the nose there are dark berries like cherry, black currant, and blackberries. Also some grass and spice. Quite round in the mouth with balanced acidity and subtle tannins. A bit metallic but in a good way that contributes with the mouthfeel. Very nice wine!

olme @olme