Bar Wine Shop Restaurant
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Old Square

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 09124 Cagliari, Italy

9 0 7514 KM


Bianco Breg

Azienda Agricola Gravner Francesco - Josko Gravner

Chardonnay, Pinot Gris, Sauvignon, Riesling Italico - Friuli-Venezia Giulia - Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Bianco Breg - Azienda Agricola Gravner Francesco - Josko Gravner
Old Square logo Old Square - 14 Feb. 2024
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Bar Restaurant Caviste

7514 KM

Old Square

madbars29 23 Jun. 2019

Masterpiece ;)

sergentedimetallo 02 Mar. 2018


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When I opened it, what immediately captured me the most was its appearance: one of the strangest color I’ve ever seen for a macerated wine. It was almost red! Yes, it was surely pretty old and maybe this can in some ways explain it, buy I think it went into some reduction as well. Anyway, like in most of natural wines, every sip was different. At the beginning, I was thinking something went wrong. But then, all the flavors came up from the glass and inebriated me with dried fruits, saffron and all sorts of herbs’ notes. And those tannins: WOW! I usually love all Gravner’s tannins: light but at the same time able to make their way through the scents, nicely invading my palate. Absolutely loved it!

Rare stuff Intense, complex, developed, herbal, fruity and spicy nose. Marinated pear, apricot, anise, cinnamon, orange, honey, almond, clove, caramel and nuts Intense, dry palate with rounded tannins, medium acidity, mushrooms and iron in aftertaste

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