Bar Wine Shop
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Local 1

Av. Álvaro Obregón 228, 06700 Mexico City, Mexico

21 6 2753 KM


Nas del Gegant Rosé

Celler Escoda Sanahuja - Joan Ramón Escoda Martinez

Merlot, Grenache, Carignan, Cabernet Franc - Catalonia - Conca de Barberà

Nas del Gegant Rosé - Celler Escoda Sanahuja - Joan Ramón Escoda Martinez
Local 1 logo Local 1 - 19 Nov. 2021
152 93 0

Bar Caviste

2753 KM

Local 1

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Posted by users:

Oh so perfect, light in alcohol. Strawberry sweet, nice and bright. Balanced acidity. Deliciously delicate, slight floral jamminess. Unique.

Jero, with emma at wildair. Balanced and bright.

Tart, acidic, bright, lean. Heavy funk like a Spanish cider. Maybe too much for me

33 users have posted "Nas del Gegant Rosé"