Bar Wine Shop
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La Fabrik Craft Beer

55 Avenue Charles de Gaulle, 40530 Labenne, France

7 4 6509 KM


Le Désordre Rouge

La Sorga - Antony Tortul

Cabernet Franc, Mourvèdre - Occitanie - Vin de France

Le Désordre Rouge - La Sorga - Antony Tortul
La Fabrik Craft Beer logo La Fabrik Craft Beer - 11 Dec. 2020
33 27 0

Bar Caviste

alixrougevin 27 Sep. 2020

Forte odeur mais gout plus doux, fruité mais assez costaud

Marcel de Cocq 06 Jan. 2019
Marcel de Cocq

@anto09 thank you :) yes I agree! Always when I see a cool picture of a bottle I like to know more about it. So I find profiles from people who do that very interesting. But there are rare unfortunately. If you want to see more of my wines check my Instagram There I have more. Now and then I post highlights here on Raisin. But Instagram has my main focus ;)

anto09 06 Jan. 2019

Thank you so much ! I really appreciate people who take time to describe their feelings with a real tasting comment (it is a noble effort) instead off the usual "its a pure glouglou" (i hate this expression) .... your informations are also very good, i have nothing to say except BRAVO and thank you so much ! Sorry for my english 😉 Anto

Wines at La Fabrik Craft Beer:
Chais Du Port De La Lune
Laurent Bordes & Annica Haapa
Temps - Chais Du Port De La Lune - Laurent Bordes & Annica Haapa -2020
Mas Samso 2021
La Recerca / Zulu Wine
Jessica Albero & Laurent Pujol
Mas Samso 2021 - La Recerca / Zulu Wine - Jessica Albero & Laurent Pujol -2021
Chais Du Port De La Lune
Laurent Bordes & Annica Haapa
Canon - Chais Du Port De La Lune - Laurent Bordes & Annica Haapa -2021
Le Champ Des Barbiers
Christine & Stéphane Gros
Romanissière - Le Champ Des Barbiers - Christine & Stéphane Gros
Discover wines at La Fabrik Craft Beer
Posted by users:

Bombe atomique! Comme le nom l’indique c’est un désordre total. Super punk et épicé. Le fruit reste roi avec un travaille de la par de Totoul énorme. Bravo!

Signé Tortul 🌺

Rock n’ roll, un savoureux bordel à boire avec de grands copains !

Trop d'acidité qui vient cacher de jolis petits fruits rouges croquants et frais.

16 users have posted "Le Désordre Rouge"