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Bar Bristol

Leopold I-plein 10, 8400 Ostend, Belgium

6 2 6429 KM


VN Vinel-lo Blanco

Partida Creus - Massimo Marchiori & Antonella Gerosa

Grenache Blanc, Macabeu, Moscatel, Pansé, Parrellada, Vinyater, Xarel-lo - CT

VN Vinel-lo Blanco - Partida Creus - Massimo Marchiori & Antonella Gerosa
Bar Bristol logo Bar Bristol - 09 Aug. 2023
349 261 0

Bar Restaurant

6429 KM

Bar Bristol

heb 04 Mar. 2019

Bu à Barcelone ce week-end, un régal !

zac 04 Mar. 2019

Une merveille !

Douglas Lyle Thompson 06 Jan. 2019
Douglas Lyle Thompson

My favorite wine on planet earth. Ever ever ever.

Xoph 01 Oct. 2018

Belle découverte

Olivia MANN 18 Apr. 2017
Olivia MANN

Leurs vins sont aussi géniaux qu'eux !!

Wines at Bar Bristol:
Vin de La Gamba
Alanna Lagamba
Frauenpower - Vin de La Gamba - Alanna Lagamba
La Sorga
Antony Tortul
Pierre-Joseph - La Sorga - Antony Tortul
Fio Glou Glou
Mosel, Germany
Philipp Kettern, Daniel Niepoort & Dirk Niepoort
Fio Glou Glou - Mosel, Germany - Philipp Kettern, Daniel Niepoort & Dirk Niepoort
Pizzicante Bianco
Le Coste
Clémentine Bouveron & Gianmarco Antonuzi
Pizzicante Bianco - Le Coste - Clémentine Bouveron & Gianmarco Antonuzi
Discover wines at Bar Bristol
Posted by users:

First natural white I can really say I’ve had, and it definitely has left me wanting more. Very interesting sediment left behind, thought it was shreds of cork at first, after more scrupulous inspection it was determined to be sediment not cork. Farmhouse hay etc., drank it a few days ago so some of my uneducated tasting notes are lost on me now.

81 users have posted "VN Vinel-lo Blanco"