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Strekov 1075

Zsolt Sütó

35 73 10173 KM

Viola -

Strekov 1075 - Zsolt Sütó

Alibernet, Saint Laurent, Blauer Portugieser - Slovakia

Total: 9 1 0

Complex, nutty, herby light/medium red. Really really good 🍷


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Viola latest posts, by users:

Viola 2017

On the nose, grape bubblegum 🤩🍇. Hits the tip of the tongue with Welch’s grape juice (in the best way) and then the palate with total structure, and crunchy crunchy fruit. In the end, will leave you smacking your lips and wanting to do it all over gain!

keeknat @keeknat


Delicious pet nat. A little skin contact. Caramel and green apple. Funky finish but also very smooth and not too effervescent. Going to eat with a roasted chicken it will pair perfectly :)

asmoore8 @asmoore8

Viola 2018

Fresh, clear, bright. Berries.

patmat @patmat