31 108 8356 KM
It was also with knowledge of the writings of Rudolf Steiner (first known as the pedagogue) that Valentin took over the estate, naturally converting it towards biodynamics. The vines are cultivated organically. Jura soils are known to be relatively difficult to work. Ours are essentially made up of Triassic marl, more or less heavy, and require significant work in the vineyard.
We share the idea that 80% of wine is made in the vineyard. Therefore, we attach great importance to it and we do everything we can to promote soil life. We apply biodynamic preparations 500 (horn dung), 501 (horn silica) and 508 (horsetail decoction).
During the growing season, the vines receive the classic treatments consisting of sulfur and Bordeaux mixture but these are systematically supplemented by herbal teas of horsetail, nettle, comfrey, meadowsweet or yarrow. During his Alsatian experience, Valentin learned a lot about simplified farming techniques, or soil conservation techniques (TCS).
We implement plant cover or green manure with a direct sowing system. These aim to correct, more naturally than mechanical tools would, the properties of the soil. Thus, cruciferous plants (radishes, cabbages, etc.) will decompact the soil, legumes (clover, fava beans, peas, etc.) will enrich the soil with nitrogen, while honey-producing flowers (phacelia, cosmos, etc.) will encourage auxiliary fauna; all naturally improving the microbiological life of the soil. These cutlery are rolled (and no longer cut) using a crushing roller.
The work under the row is carried out mechanically with intervine blades, and a lot with the winegrower's tool par excellence: the pickaxe, with a good dose of elbow grease! All the wines come from our production, and we vinify our entire harvest. This is entirely manual (in 30 kg boxes), fermentations are carried out using native yeasts.
The goal of winemaking is, according to Fukuoka's recommendation, to avoid any tinkering in order to make wines that are more fermented grape juice, which is what wine should be. Oenological inputs are banned and the addition of sulfur tolerated depending on the vintages and vintages but in very low levels, all wines containing less than 20 mg/l of SO2. Les pieds sur terre wines should be considered natural wines.