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Florian & Mathilde Beck-Hartweg

Florian & Mathilde Beck-Hartweg

33 109 9082 KM


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Pinot Noir "F" latest posts, by users:

Pinot Noir "F" 2016

Just beautiful, incredibly strong cherry flavor, straight forward. Great.

marechalfoch @marechalfoch

Pinot Noir F 2016

Monstrueux !!!!!!

boule @boule

Pinot Noir F 2016

Du velours, une bombe !

Tonio802 @Tonio802

Pinot Noir "F" 2017

Une couleur de fruit rouge qui reflète un goût à la hauteur des espérances. Un super jus alsacien. Merci

javlovsky @javlovsky

Pinot Noir "F" 18

Fruits rouges au nez très agréable, acidité présente en bouche typique du pinot noir

gy6735 @gy6735


Latest venues selling Pinot Noir "F" wine

Ame & Esprit du Vin
10h30- 20h30

Ame & Esprit du Vin

1 0 6502 KM

Bar Wine shop

Ame & Esprit du Vin is a bar and wine shop in 16th Arrondissement - Paris with a 30% minimum natural wine in their offer. At Ame & Esprit du Vin, you'll find local, seasonal, and most often organic food and plenty of delicious natural wines.
Bratschall Manala
9h00- 21h00

Bratschall Manala

34 5 6865 KM

Bar Restaurant

Homemade, local and gourmet cuisine, craft beers, maceration wines, big guns, little guns and lots of good gurgling! pleasure …
La Maison Llauro
9h00- 20h00

La Maison Llauro

0 1 6892 KM

Wine shop

The Selection of Wines from the Maison Llauro Cellar in Mulhouse is exclusively produced by Frédéric, passionate about Natural…