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Poderi Cellario

Fausto & Cinzia Cellario

16 32 9099 KM

Il Barrusco -

Poderi Cellario - Fausto & Cinzia Cellario

Neretto, Barbera, Dolcetto - Piemonte - Piemont

Il Barrusco


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Il Barrusco latest posts, by users:

Il Barrusco 19

Very refreshing with strong notes of plum and blackberries.

ryanbelk @ryanbelk

Il Barrusco

Pretty decent lambrusco. Gushed like a thermonuclear device when the cap came off but eventually settled in the glass. Very lively and not too sweet for the style. Definitely on the dryer side. Cranberry and red fruit vibes for sure.

jeremykrantz @jeremykrantz

Il Barrusco 2019

Super flavourful, engeltje 😇 op tong 👅...

dsjoemmelier @dsjoemmelier