Weingut Hareter Thomas - Claudia & Thomas Hareter logo

Weingut Hareter Thomas

Claudia & Thomas Hareter

17 28 10020 KM

Naturschönheit - 2015

Weingut Hareter Thomas - Claudia & Thomas Hareter

80 % Zweigelt, 20 % St. Laurent - Burgenland - Burgenland

Total: 0 0 0

"Nature's Beauty" is a fitting name for this organic red blend from a great Austrian Winemaker Thomas Hareter from Burgenland. The wine is rough at the first touch, yet hides finesse. Higher acidity and sour cherries blend with peppery tones and almost indinguishable hint of cinnamon. Lighter-bodied, somewhat cheeky, nicely provocative in casual days!


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Naturschönheit latest posts, by users:

Natür Schönheit 2015

Dark and juicy, thick mouth feel.

brt06 @brt06