La Sorga - Antony Tortul logo

La Sorga

Antony Tortul

92 267 8646 KM

Endura -

La Sorga - Antony Tortul

Carignan, Grenache, Mourvèdre - Occitanie - Occitanie

Total: 8 6 0


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Endura 2019

Sorga un jour, Sorga toujours !

mexicola @mexicola


C concentré et délicieux !

brunoS @brunoS


Damn it's great, has always with la sorga! Intense on each side, loads of tannins, same with fruitiness and acidity but each complete each other to create perfect balance! Could have it all the time and could pair with apero as much as dîner

voortman @voortman